Retrograde Analysis
Chess Problems

by Leo Mano

AR09 - Leo Mano / R. Stelling
(13x16) 1r5b - p1p1pr1p - 4p2p - 1K3p2 - nnpk2b1 - 2N5 - PqPPPP1P - 1RB2BNR

Position after 29 moves. Construct the game.

Solution: 1 b4, f6; 2 a3, d5; 3 c1, f6; 4 b2, f7; 5 c3, e6; 6 c6+, bc6; 7 b5, a6; 8 b6, d3; 9 b7, a6; 10 b8=, db4; 11 b6, d5; 12 e3, c5; 13 h6, gh6; 14 g4, g7; 15 g5, f8; 16 g6, h8; 17 g7, f7; 18 g8=, f8; 19 g4, g7; 20 e6+, de6; 21 d1, f5; 22 c1, g4; 23 b2, f5+; 24 b3, c4+; 25 a4, c5+; 26 b5, a4; 27 c1, b2; 28 c3+, d4; 29 b1, b8+

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(p)2000-2001 by Leo Mano. Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil.