Retrograde Analysis
Chess Problems
by Leo Mano
AR04 - Leo Mano (12x15) RnB5 - 1Nrpp3 - kpQRp3 - n1pp2p1 - K3P3 - N2P3p - qPP4P - rb6 How this mate came out? Solution: 13 a7-a8=, b3-a5; 12 e3-e4, d4-b3; 11 e2-e3, b5-d4; 10 c4-a3, a3-b5; 9 e5-c4, h4-h3; 8 g6-e5, h5-h4; 7 f8-g6, h6-h5; 6 f7-f8=, g6-g5; 5 f6-f7, h7-h6! (5-... f7xe6? becose, in this case, the black from black squares never will be restored); 4 g5xf6, c3-f6; 3 g4-g5, b4-c3; 2 g3-g4, c4-a2; 1 b3-a4, h4-c4; etc... |
(p)2000-2001 by Leo Mano. Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil. |