Retrograde Analysis
Chess Problems
by Leo Mano
AR11 - Leo Mano (13x13) 4k2r - 1p2p1b1 - 1P2KB2 - pRp3Pp - P7 - n1P1pp1P - 3P1P2 - rN3nNR a) White retracts and mates in 2. Solutions: In the new diagram, the f6 is a promoted man. The promoting white from e2 has made one capture to promote on d8 or f8 via d7 or f7 and checking the black that so moved. b) Now the Black has 3 s. One of these is a promoted man. The promoting black from g7 has made one capture to promote on h1 via g3 and h2 becose the 'g' column is locked by a white . The only white piece that can be captured on h2 (black square) is the . |
(p)2000-2001 by Leo Mano. Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil. |